This is the story of a mother and daughter chasing their dream of owning an antiques and re-tiques store.

(a "re-tique" is an item that has been refinished or repurposed or restored).

Follow their treasure hunting adventures and share in their successes along the way. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Show

Our first show was a craft show in Somersworth, NH.  We weren't sure what to expect, so we just brought everything!  Our space was only 10x4 so it was packed!  Check it out.
We weren't even completely set up before "early birds" flocked to our booth!  Throughout the show we were showered with compliments on our display and our work.  Everyone loved the style and the prices.

We sold mirrors, tables, doilies, plant stands, christmans ornaments, christmas greenery arrangements (using live greens), and of course, Mom's famous chocolate chip cookies!  It was amusing to see folks buy a package of cookies, then rush back to buy more.  "These are the best cookies I've ever had" they would say; a fact our friends and family have known for years! 
Cats out of the bag now Mom! Everyone is going to want "Farmhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies!"

 A sample of what we created
Off to set up our space at
Four Corner Antiques in Rochester, NH tomorrow!
Come see us there! (Route 202A)